Duane Gundrum Politics,Television Terrorists Win! War is over….

Terrorists Win! War is over….

For the last better part of a decade, the United States has been fighting a “war on terror” and this has involved sending a large contingence of US soldiers to Afghanistan, and even though there were no terrorists in Iraq, it’s been used as a continuous justification for the continued presence of US troops in that country. Since the start of those wars, the US has been involved in an ideological war against terrorism everywhere, even though it’s been pointed out many times before that you really can’t go to war against a concept, but war against terror is what we’ve been in, so minor points aside, that’s what we’ve been doing.

Well, last night the creators of South Park decided to push the envelope a bit and air their cartoon in which they have a depiction of Mohammed. Well, actually, it’s not really a depiction, but it’s a continuous lack of a depiction, which is a joke on the idea that it’s dangerous to have an actual depiction of Mohammed. As such, they put the religious icon into a bear costume and pretended that THAT was their depiction (because that way they wouldn’t have to actually depict him). I think you’re getting the idea.

Anyway, Comedy Central, the station that airs South Park has censored the episode to avoid showing any such depictions, or lack thereof. When they West Coast showed the episode, Comedy Central decided to show a repeat of an earlier, depiction-less episode instead.

The fear is from a semi-threat that was made against the creators of South Park and Comedy Central if they DARED to show the episode, depicting Mohammed, which for some reason automatically turns normally religious people into hotheads that kill people. The real world example of what happened to a Danish cartoonist is the threat they continue to make in case anyone forgets (cause they actually killed him).

What has happened as a result is that fans of South Park (and freedom of speech in general) are angry at Comedy Central for backing down on its freedoms. They say that Comedy Central has caved in. Just looking at CNN.com’s site is very educational. A posting from buddy198227 says in no uncertain terms:

What??? That’s it??? Some nutjobs who hide behind a website win??? If this is how America caves in, then we should lose. Muslim idiots aren’t going to win because they’re stronger, smarter or more durable. They’ll win because we act like pusses and fold like wet noodles when someone says Allah or Mohammed. Here’s my take…F#$% Allah and F#$#@ Mohammed.

That was just one of the nicer comments. Apparently, Comedy Central was supposed to air the episode in its entirety, and it is a blow to freedom if they don’t.

What isn’t being discussed is how all of these people are so comfortable from their anonymous postings, demanding that Comedy Central put itself on the line and risk the lives of its employees to bring forth freedom of speech that pretty much no one else is willing to risk themselves. Hell, they aren’t even willing to risk it in their own postings about how Comedy Central should risk its own skin.

It’s always a lot easier to ask of other people to take risks when one is not willing to do the same himself/herself. Oh, they’ll claim they’re willing to risk all, but that’s a fake claim when they haven’t actually ever done it themselves. It’s like the people who talk all tough about the military and what should be done with it, but when it comes to actually serving, they’re kind of silent, often announcing some ailment that makes it impossible for them to sacrifice their own lives and safety, even though they claim that if they could, they certainly would. I moderate on a current events boards where I hear that kind of boasting all of the time, and as a veteran it drives me nuts, but there’s nothing that can be done about it because people are always willing to be brave when they don’t actually have to put forth the risk themselves.

So what was Comedy Central supposed to do? Personally, I don’t blame them for what they did. Granted, the criticism will come down heavy on them because Trey Parker and Matt Stone (creators of South Park) were willing to take the risk themselves. Unfortunately, the risk didn’t end with them because crazy people rarely go after the more difficult target, often killing any easy target they can get their hands on, like low level people working for a television network, like Comedy Central.

What’s really going on here is a much bigger issue than the surface one that is being covered here, because the very nature of freedom is constantly at risk here. One of the first claims that came from the War on Terror was that terrorists want us to change our way of life to one of fear, yet when we are faced with a circumstance that invokes fear, the first thing we do is cave in and allow them to win. When faced with adversity, the first step we take is to give in, which immediately tells me that somewhere down the line we lost the war on terror mainly because when it finally came time to fight the first battle, we surrendered the entire war.

Sadly enough, our only recourse throughout all of our interactions with terror has been fear. When they blow up a plane, we go into fear mode and start doing all sorts of things with TSA we never would have done on our own. When we start to make cartoons, we stop making them because we fear the ramifications if terrorists don’t like the cartoons we draw or watch. In about every maneuver, we’ve been outmaneuvered by low tech, 16th century thinking while we pretend that we’re still the most powerful country on the planet.

Kind of makes you think. Although if that bothers anyone, I’ll stop cause I don’t want to upset anybody.

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