The Adventures of Stickman & the Unemployed Legospaceman

Stickman, the two-dimensional chap who tells it like it is to a 3-dimensional space dude who has been to space, the adventures never end (well, until we run out of comics, that is)--oh, and there's Bob, too.


Press this button to learn more. Or it launches the missiles. Not really sure of it's purpose, but it's a button so press it

The Adventures!


Episode 1

The Adventure Begins....


Episode 2

One-Dimensional Universe


Episode 3

The Problem


Episode 4

The Challenge


Episode 5



Episode 6

The Adventure Continues


Episode 7



Episode 8



Episode 9

Supporting Comrades


Episode 10

Sunday Paper


Episode 11



Episode 12



Episode 13

Mr. Dog


Episode 14

New Pets


Episode 15

Even More Pets


Episode 16

A New Villain


Episode 17



Episode 18

Story Time


Soon To Be Coming

Waiting for Inspiration


Soon To Be Coming

Thinking of Stealing Ideas From Dilbert


Soon To Be Coming

No, really. We're Really Planning on New Content


Soon To Be Coming

I Wouldn't Lie To You About This


Soon To Be Coming

Have I Ever Lied To You Before?


Soon To Be Coming

One Date With An Ex-Girlfriend and You're Going to Hold That Over Me Forever?


Soon To Be Coming

It Was 5 Years Ago and So Under the Bridge


Soon To Be Coming

I Can't Wait Until I Have Enough Content That These Messages Finally Go Away


Soon To Be Coming

If You See This Message, Call the Police. I'm Locked Down Here in This Crazy Person's Basement


It was so awesome! I laughed for hours. And then I read his comics and well, I didn't laugh as much.

Theodore Thweedsnoot, Las Vegas in Village Times

He shows so much talent, and he's so smart

His mom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Someone famous in Source Title

He's so sexy and I HAVE to meet him!

Not sure of the source but someone PLEASE get me her number!

To join Duane Gundrum's mailing list, click the green button. (not the blue one...never the blue one)


Why Stickman?

From its inception, Stickman was created because I really can't draw. But I love comics, and I love telling stories. So I thought I would tell stories my way, and as the stories began, so did Stickman and the Legospaceman and Bob. They kind of wrote themselves because they had a life of their own. I still can't draw, but that hasn't stopped me so far.

Why the Legospaceman?

Years back, I was a moderator for a gaming channel, and my icon was a legospaceman because he just seemed to represent me well. After time, gamers just kept calling me the legospaceman, and it just kind of stuck. Made it pretty easy to decide the one of the main characters for the strip.

And Bob?

Everywhere you go, there's a Bob. I don't mean the specific Bob, but that one guy (or woman) who just seems to be more cognizant about everything but also sees everything with a strange sense of humor. Sometimes Bob is me, and sometimes Bob is the guy I wish I was. He's half Jeff from Accounting and half William Shatner when he's Captain Kirk rather than TJ Hooker. He's just that guy.

Who is Artist Guy?

He's God if God had another full time job, was freelancing as a full time writer and taking up part time jobs as a web page designer. He's that guy that creates his world yet receives nothing but crap from those he created. Kind of like a real god, if you think about it. I'd say he's me, but the closest I've ever come to being a deity was when I dating this one woman years back who was so out of my league. Ah, those were the days, weren't they? I'm sorry, what was I talking about?

This Place Reserved

There are going to be great things in this spot. Like the best. The greatest. Like so awesome and filled with all sorts of wow. I can't even describe how great this particular space is going to be. You might even say amazing or super amazing. Or something like that.

This Space Also Reserved

Unfortunately, we're not really expecting as much wonderful stuff in this space as we are in the one to the left of this somewhat disappointing space. We're kind of sad about that, and we totally wish we had so much more to offer you here. It's kind of like you're receiving diminishing goods just reading this space right now. I know that some people have complained to the management about expecting better returns on this space and not receiving them, but I mean, come on, it's not like we should have been expecting too much. Seriously, just look to that space to the left of this and then look at this one. It's so obviously better over there.

Seriously, why are you still hanging out in this space? It's not that good.