Duane Gundrum Memoirs What’s Going on with Duane These Days? Could it be transmogrification?

What’s Going on with Duane These Days? Could it be transmogrification?

I realized just a little while ago that almost all of my posts have been about something, rather than about me. I know that sounds a little strange, but what that means is that I haven’t really updated what’s going on with me these days. So, I thought I would clear that up, even if I’m the only one who seems to be reading what I have to say anyway.

First off, I’m still at the hospital. My job hasn’t changed, even though I keep hearing that it might. That’s been one of those songs that’s been playing on repeat over and over again to the point where I’ll believe it when I see it.

My writing isn’t really moving all that forward these days, which does bother me. It’s not because I’m not interested in writing, but because I’ve gotten really frustrated with the whole writing business industry. I have written so much, but my writing career isn’t doing anything. Instead, I keep seeing really crappy books being published by celebrities and people who shouldn’t be writing. My writing is actually very good, and I just can’t seem to get an inroad into an actual career. So my career has kind of stalled, mainly because even though I believe in myself, I don’t believe in the publishing industry any more. I haven’t given up, but I’m not really actively seeking success either.

I may be taking the LSAT in June and then possibly enrolling in law school in September. It’s all kind of up in the air right now, but I’m really bored. And that causes me to either just jump ship and do something stupid, or to think about it and try to do something constructive. This time around, I’ll try something constructive. I’m trying to save up money so I can afford tuition, as I can’t really borrow any more money through the government, nor would I even if I could. I figure three or four years later, I’ll have a law degree. Not the quickest route, but hey, doing nothing doesn’t get me anywhere closer either.

I bought a keyboard (music kind) a few weeks ago, and I’ve been playing around with that lately. It complements my electric guitar, so even though I’m never going to be a great virtuoso or famous singer, at least I can play around with the instruments and explore my creativity. Like my writing, I don’t believe in any industry backing me up on anything I do, so I’ll be creating music for myself. Everyone else can really go screw themselves, for all I care.

Other than that, I’m working on teaching myself how to write a decent screenplay. I have a few movie project ideas in my head, including the one that Chris is working on, so once I get through this book, I’ll sit down and start constructing. We’ll see what happens from there. Like I said, I have a few projects right in front of me right now, so we’ll see what I can do with those. I know the movie industry really sucks for writers, so I’m not putting a lot of stock in any type of career there. I’m more about the creativity anyway.

Other than that, I’m teaching two classes at Grand Rapids Community College (political science and interpersonal communication). Nothing really all that brilliant there as both classes are introductory courses. Half the time, I’m convinced none of my students care one iota about what’s going on in those classes, so I show up each day and hope that something will rub off on them. One student told me she thought I was a great teacher, and I guess I’m so screwed up these days that I attribute it to brown-nosing rather than sincerity. Yeah, I see the whole negativity thing, too. That doesn’t make it go away. It’s like the old adage on paranoia (“just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean the world isn’t out to get me”).

That’s about it. I consider my current existence in life as an outsider watching a television show about a television show that’s about real people. Because I’m just an observer on the outside, I get the distinct impression that nothing I do makes a difference, and no one really cares what I do or don’t do, as long as it doesn’t interfere with their own agendas. I’ve stopped believing I’m significant or that I really have anything of importance to contribute to this world any more. I feel more like a shadow that sometimes gets noticed by others who tolerate me because they notice me there sometimes but wouldn’t notice if I wasn’t. Other times, I feel like a writing Van Gogh, scoffed at by the neighbors while trying to create masterpieces that aren’t recognized enough to get me a drink at the local bar in trade. I often wonder if that realization was what finally caused Van Gogh to commit suicide at the end there, convinced he was fooling himself into believing he had something significant to contribute but suspecting that he was only fooling himself.

Anyway, that’s my rambling for now. Nothing great. Nothing horrible. Just a blah existence leading into a blah circumspection. Oh, and I wanted to say transmogrification. I didn’t really have anything to say about the word, but it’s a really cool word that I’ve been itching to put into a sentence, so there it is, even if it really doesn’t have any signficant context. Cool words rarely need to. Transmogrification, I say, and thus I have.

6 thoughts on “What’s Going on with Duane These Days? Could it be transmogrification?”

  1. Make a difference through writing can be a pretty looming task. There are six billion people in the world, 4 billion of them are literate and 2 billion of them consider themselves “writers on the side”. When I finally faced down the numbers I decided that I, more than likely, will not influence the course of human history through my writing.
    All you can do is try and make a difference in lives of the individuals you come in contact with. I don’t know if you’ve ever met someone briefly that you’ve never forgotten. It’s corny but I believe that instead of a vague, general love for humanity I’ll be better cultivating a love and influence for those within my sphere of influence: my friends and (hopefully) my future wife and kids.

  2. Pretty much sums up how I feel most days. You know what they say, two heads are better than one. I am in need of someone to work with me as a critique partner. I did end up signing to go to the Wisconsin Writers Conference and I have garnered a spot to pitch my novel to an awesome agent – Denise Little. She is interested in the genre I write – Dark Fantasy Romance. (So I created my own genre. I'm fearless that way) Supposedly these days it's all about what will sell not where the talent is. I hate it. HATE IT. But for now, I'm going to play by the rules because you know what? I am going to change them someday. Right now, I could really use your help. I'm a good writer, but I'm a new writer which means there's room for improvement. I think I have a kick-ass story. Nothing like it out there but I am seriously not ready to show my manuscript to an agent, much less Denise, unless I get some help. So, if your up to it, if your game…help me. I'm working on it daily up until the conference – April 8th. Look forward to hearing from you!!!Kim

  3. Wyatt:

    Thanks for responding. While I agree that it’s probably best to try to influence those around you, I don’t even have people around me, so that doesn’t work out that well for me. It’s like I mentioned in my post where it feels like a shadowed existence because I really don’t feel like I’m actually interacting with the rest of the world. Not because I don’t try, but it’s gotten to a point where I really don’t come in contact with people anymore. Not even sure why. It just seems like an empty existence these days.

  4. “Not because I don’t try, but it’s gotten to a point where I really don’t come in contact with people anymore.”

    Have you tried joining clubs , groups etc in order to meet more people ?

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